DSP 2013 18th International Conference on Digital Signal Processing, Greece, July 1-3, 2013

Special Session: Privacy Preservation Design in Video Content Analysis: Framework Architecture, Algorithms and Impact Assessment

The aim of this special session is to open up new perspectives on ways and means whereby privacy-respecting compliance can best be aided through image processing and pattern recognition algorithms and techniques that enhance privacy protection as an inherent property of the Video Content Analysis process.
The goal is to provide insights relating to the problems of automatic decision making in privacy-aware systems by examining the achievable accuracy of different State-of-the-Art signal processing, pattern recognition and ontology-based techniques and presenting new approaches to enhancing privacy protection capability of such systems as well as assessment of impacts of achievable automated privacy protection levels.


videoSense Special Session

More details can be found on the DSP website: http://dsp2013.dspconferences.org/