Brussels Novotel Grand Palace, 22 March 2013, 09.30-17.30
ISR as the Coordinator of the VideoSense Network of Excellence is organising the first clustering workshop on Privacy by Co-Design in socio-ethical and privacy-preserving video-analytics which offers an opportunity for exchange of insights arising from the research conducted worldwide on aspects of privacy respecting design of ICT systems and in particular by EU-Funded projects such as VideoSense on privacy respecting approaches an end-to-end processes supporting the design of socially responsible, accountable and self-regulating architectures for surveillance systems video-analytics and their operational deployment.
Participation in the workshop is free and shall be open to all researchers and practitioners with an active interest in the domain such as those working on projects funded under the security research programme and representatives from policing and security agencies.
Contributions to the programme by way of presentations describing on-going research and/or acting as discussant on any relevant aspect of any of the presentations are welcome. The workshop is expected to feature 8 presentations each of a duration of 1-hour maximum including Q&A and discussions. Topics of interest include all aspect with a Privacy by Design focus, including the interplay of influences arising from all relevant legal, ethical, societal and technological systems-of-systems that have an upstream or downstream effect on the social and individual perspectives on privacy and how it is valued and can be safe-guarded as well as how this could be best achieved in practice.
This should include techniques of secure video encoding and privacy protection, mitigation technologies and lead to deeper perspectives on ways and means whereby privacy-respecting compliance can best be aided through the Video Content Analysis and Privacy Impact Analysis and Evaluation.
Those wishing to make presentation should send this to
Session Co-Chairs: Prof. Atta Badii, Prof. Jean-Luc Dugelay, Prof. Touradj Ebrahimi, Prof. Ebroul Izquierdo, Christian Fedorczak, Prof. Thomas Sikora, Diego Fernandez Vazquez
Programme Committee: Mathieu Einig, Claudia Araimo, Volker Eiselein, Virginia Fernandez, Ivo Keller, Pavel Korshunov, Tomas Piatrik, Tobias Senst