
Intelligent Tutoring Interface for Technology Enhanced Learning

INTUITEL will develop an adaptive system interoperable with commercial Learning Management Systems for tailored learning. As such, it will be a step towards a global learning cloud, where personalized technology-enhanced learning would be available for any person at any place, with any access device and under any external condition, including mobile learning scenarios. The objective of INTUITEL is to enhance state-of-the-art e-learning content and Learning Management Systems (LMS) with features that so far have been provided only by human tutors. An INTUITEL-enabled system constitutes an integrated learning environment that configures itself in response to any learner, monitors his/her progress and behaviour, combines these data with pedagogical and methodological knowledge and then by automated reasoning deduces optimal guidance and feedback.

Project Details

Project funded by: EU
Project Duration: 10/12 - 06/15
Project Partners: Hochschule Karlsruhe - Technik und Wirtschaft (Coordinator, D), Steinbeis Europazentrum (D), The University of Reading, (UK), Universität Wien (A), Universidad Internacional de la Rioja (E), Holon Institute of Technology (IL), Fraunhofer IOSB (D), TIE Nederland B.V.(NL), Forschungszentrum Informatik an der Universität Karlsruhe (D), Universidad de Valladolid (E), eXact learning solution S.p.A. (GR), IMC Information Multimedia Communication AG (D)
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