
Modeling and Simulation of the Impact of Public Policies on SMEs

MOSIPS is a project financed by the European Commission within the 7th Framework Programme under the objective 5.6 ICT solutions for governance and policy modelling (Grant Agreement nº 288833).

The aim of the project is to develop a user-friendly policy simulation system allowing forecasting and visualizing the socio-economic potential impact of public policies. This will allow policy makers to make experiments with different socio-economic designs, taking into account the feedback of citizens and potentially impacted stakeholders, before a public policy is settled. It will a deeper and wider understanding of the possible scenarios that might arise from the implementation of a legistalative instrument and their possible side effects.

Given the importance of SMEs in EU Economy, focus will be set on the impact of the SME-oriented policies on their R&D activities.

Combining suitable data, models, artificial intelligence and interactive visualization tools, the final goal is to develop a “policy wind tunnel”. MOSIPS system will be suited to craft policy options, giving social and economic stakeholders a decision arena visualizing and illustrating policy insights, providing valuable decision-support, as it will make the side effects understandable.

Project Details

Project funded by: EU
Project Duration: 09/11 - 08/14
Project Partners: Anova IT Consulting (E), University of Alcala (E), Research Studio Austria Forschungsgesellschaft (A), University of Reading (UK), Opera21(I), University of Koblenz (D), European Institute of Interdisciplinary Research (F), Ayuntamiento de Madrid (E), Comune di Verona (I)
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